Who we are!

Freelance IT Consulting Group is a management consulting and solution delivery firm providing practical actionable recommendations and solutions. We are multi-vendor knowledgeable and provide guidance and recommendations for complex technology selection and implementation. We combine our research with personal experience and client feedback validates the marketplace winners. Our client’s value

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Strategic Consulting

The business world moves fast. In a highly competitive environment, the most successful companies define a strategy and execute it. Most companies have a vision – grow the customer base, serve new markets, decrease costs, deliver value, and maximize the bottom line. A comprehensive, well-thought-out strategy provides strong direction to

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Freelance IT Consultant’s Solution

FLITC can guide strategy formulation. Whether investigating new business streams, examining operational inefficiencies or charting a course to IT excellence, we bring our clients experienced, knowledgeable resources with a fresh perspective and the know-how to help take your organization to the next level. Crafting a strategy is a crucial first

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Our mission is simple

Admin  -  Jul 14, 2007  -  No Comments
Our mission is simple—we help IT organizations design, deliver, scale and improve their services to the business.

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We design comprehensively

At the Freelance IT Consulting Company (FLITCC), we don’t take anything for granted, when it comes to the provision of responsive web design services. Having created a website for your business using the latest and convenient technologies that make it accessible on all hardware platforms, we won’t just assume that

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