Our Consultants

Who we Are

We specialize in solving tricky problems for smaller companies, making IT work for our clients. We have 892 global IT Consultants that are working full/part time for the paid I.T. Consultancy. We have brilliant IT People around the world under our umbrella. Our consultants provide help to the industry from their homes/offices by email or livechat.

892 FreeLance IT Consultants ( worldwide )

Talk to us about a burning issue you need solving, a product idea you have but don’t know how to produce, or how you can use IT to achieve a business goal. We have huge amount of consultants hooked with us around the world. We can get their services for you anytime 24x7x365.

Clients and technologies

We don’t have a typical client, and We certainly don’t have a list of technologies we work with.
We believe every problem is unique, and to get the best solution we need to select the best technology.

Our Top of the Line IT Consultants

  • Joshua Mike
    President IT Consultancy Group

    Business Intelligence Master. Acting president of IT consultancy group and also member of world freelance community since 2001
  • Xin Choe He
    Chief IT Consultant

    Chief IT Consultant and member of Chinese IT development group.
  • Murray Rasmus
    Web/Mobile Application Consultant

    Web and Mobile Application Development Expert with 8 Years of Experience in IT industry.
  • M Prakash
    IT Consultant for Web Applications

    Chief consultant for web applications and mobile portals since 1998.
  • Phil Jack
    IT Consultant for Remote Applications

    MSE Philadelphia Univerisity. IT Consultant for Remote Apps.
  • Marshall Goodman
    Senior IT Consultant

    MCP Certified. Senior IT Consultant for Web Development Applications.

  • Mahmood ul Hassan
    Senior IT Consultant (Databases)

    Bs(Hon), MS(Cs), Oracle DBA. Provides consultancy of all Databases, along with ASP, PHP, Java, Mobile Apps, Financial Apps. Working in IT Industry Since 1996
  • Shimba Katosaki
    Project Manager

    Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Ut enim ad minim

  • Gea Goodman
    Public Relations Manager

    Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Ut enim ad minim
  • Frank Gold
    Project Manager

    We have 892 Consultants around the world, working hard 24×7 to provide assistance to I.T. industry with their rich I.T. Experience.

We have 892 Consultants around the world, working hard 24×7 to provide assistance to I.T. industry with their rich I.T. Experience.

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